I Already explain How to add your blog/website to SEO in order to gain more visitors. This time I will share with you my 1st Source of traffic.
I started my blog a week ago and I hope by the end of august my blog reach 50 000 Views or more and in order for that to be achieved I use a lot of tactics and I will share some of them each daily so keep hanging around.
One of my best tactics is using Hitleap to increase visitors number, I will explain it later on.
Hitleap is a website that gives you points to get visitors for you blog or site but not like other site such as Addmefast or YCL because it give you minutes not points when 1000 minute = 3000 Hits and you simply can earn 150 minute daily without hard work.
Ah almost forget, if you are not looking for traffic you can simply make money by withdrawing your earnings ( minutes ) so there is two ways to benefit ( money or traffic )
How to create an account ?
As other tutorial it's simple just click on this link and fill out all needed information: Click here to register
How I earn minutes ?
That's the easiest thing I ever seen, all you need to do is click on Traffic exchange than Start traffic and go and relax than come back after 15 minutes and see your earnings !
How to add my blog or website ?
There is a menu in the top go to it and click on My websites and add your site,
Note : You can boost your visitors by clicking on bost hits.
How much can I earn from it ?
To be honest this depend on how much Traffic exchanger page is on, I leave it open for 30 minutes and I got 142 visitors to my blog..
I guess This is all
Thank you for taking time reading it hope it help you
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