Recently Blog-spot administration delete some blogs including a very high ranked blogs ! This is why making a copy of your blog is something necessary nowadays..
Getting a copy of your blog will be a smart move because you don't know when your blog is getting deleted or hacked, I used to have a blog wich I make tutorial about gaming, programming and more and I work hard, days after days to get it more popular and one day ! " The blog you are looking for was not found " Sad story isn't ?
You may want to say " Why working hard on a blog and I know it may get deleted ? "
This is a really good question, but you can make a lot of benefits from your blog before getting deleted and not all blogs get deleted after few months some of them may stay for years ( his owner is a lucky one ) You can monetize your blog and earn a lot money from it before it get deleted and then whether it get deleted or not it won't be a big deal.
What Can I do to save my blog ?
Only few simple steps can help you save your blog, You should make backup copy for it so when it get deleted or hacker or ether you make some bad changes in Template you can restore it by uploading the safe copy of your blog..
How Can I do it ?
I got the answer to that question my friend, First log in your blog then go to Setting then other now click on export blog and save it anywhere you feel safe.
Not only this, You should also make a copy for you Template :
Go to template then click on Restore/save and chose a safe place than finish.
This way you have a safe copy for your blog and you don't have to worry any more about Getting your blog deleted or hacked.
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